I have worked on a number of different projects over the years. Here's a few of the more interesting ones, with descriptions of what I did, and my thoughts about them.
- Auto Approve Configuration - A mod for Savage, by S2 Games (Solo Project)
- Dybbuk - A 3D Total Conversion based on the Sin (Quake 2 based) engine. (Team project, Position: Lead Programmer)
- EQOALog - A listener that logged data sent and received by PS2s playing EverQuest Online Adventures. (Solo Project)
- Frestan - A MMO architecture / tank game. (Solo Project, in progress)
- Jerrithian - A 2d side scrolling space shooter. (Solo Project)
- MMOGTMaze - An ascii based dungeon exploration MMO game. (Solo Project)
- Nicodemus - A 3D fantasy action game. (Team Project, Position: Lead Programmer
- Rocket Fuel - A rocket weapon rune based mod for Quake 3 Arena. (Team Project, Position: Lead Programmer)
- UOX - An Ultima Online server emulator. (Public / Group Project, Position: Programmer)
- Jerrith's UO Packets Guide - Documentation I created about the Ultima Online packet structure. (Public Project, Position: Author)